Monday, November 25, 2019

Detailed Worldview Outline Essays

Detailed Worldview Outline Essays Detailed Worldview Outline Paper Detailed Worldview Outline Paper In this outline you will learn about who God is, and the nature of our universe. Does us living in this world have a purpose, or is it Just wasting our time? Growing up we are set around a worldview of beliefs, and stories, and are set to believe that those are true. This world allows for a diversity of worldviews, but which one is correct or incorrect? 1 . Who is God and what are His characteristics? God is the creator of human beings and the ruler of our universe. God has many heartsickness including being: Independent, infinite, eternal, Incomprehensible, supreme, sovereign, faithful, majestic, and promising. 2. What Is a human being and what happens when you die? A human being is mankind. After we die, we are promised an eternal life in heaven as long as we believe in God, and understand why his only son died on the cross for our sins, and rose up three days later. 3. What is the nature of the universe? There are various views as to the nature of the world based on religion: dualism, monism, monistic theism, pantheism, pluralism, and theism. We are taught wrought different scriptures that God Is the creator of our universe. God made sure that this universe had everything we needed to live a good life. 4. How do you know what you know? How do you know what is true? Having a book, like the bible, is the means that we need to understand the truth. The bible makes distinctive truth claims. For instance, it claims, that God exists. 5. What is right and wrong or how can we know there is a right and wrong? Quoting the bible allows us to prove that the Bible Is true. To us the bible Is a reliable document because It was recorded and reanimated through history. Even though the bible Is a reliable source to most Christians, we will never really know if its completely true. 6. Is life pointless or is there purpose? Life is all about purpose if you have a positive mentality, and accept all challenges and tests God puts you through. Everyone has a different purpose for being on Earth, and its our Job to discover what It is. 7. What core commitments are consistent with my worldview and how do they Impact my life? Believing that there Is right and wrong In this world comes from part of being a Christian. The Ten Commandments are the littoral in how God teaches us what is right from wrong. Growing up I learn to realize that not everyones views are completely or partially like mine, but that doesnt make them wrong. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I am committed to serve, and love God, as well as treat others in ways that I know God would treat them. Conclusion: about the nature of our universe. The bible and God himself allow for a better understanding, and a better guidance in our world. As a Christian, my worldview defines me, and it makes me a better person each and everyday, as well as it does for many other Christians.

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